f you have a friend or family member involved in real estate you probably are encouraged to call them for any of your real estate needs. This is not uncommon. Real estate agents aren’t trying to be pushy, but many of them are encouraged to sell as much as possible and they are told to focus on the people they know, friends and family first, because they can be some of their first, or best, clients. Read More
Ready to house hunt? It’s a jungle out there: Prepare for a flurry of paperwork, stampedes of buyers competing for the same digs, and other challenges before you get your hands on those house keys. We won’t... Read More
When you're house hunting, the allure of new construction is undeniable. You get to be the first to live in the pristine home—one untouched by grimy hands or muddy shoes. It's full of brand-new appliances and the finishes and treatments that you picked to fit your aesthetic. And you won't have to worry about making any cosmetic or structural upgrades for years. Read More
When you’re buying or selling a home, it’s crucial to work with a qualified real estate agent. Not just a professional, but an amazing agent and a market expert. So how do you ensure you’re hiring an amazing real estate agent? Read More